Judy M. Kerr

Author, Editor, and Proofreader


My fifteen seconds of fame? Perhaps.
I was watching "The Shaming of Jay, Women Who Rock, Featuring Julia Cowley (ret. FBI profiler) on YouTube. At around the 46 minute mark the host (Jay) did a drawing for a cool notebook. Jay spun his wheel and it landed on my Instagram handle. I won! But even better than winning the prize was when Julia said, "I know Judy."

Is it only me, or is it every crime writer's dream to hear a retired FBI profiler admit to knowing you and sound excited about it?
You can decide for yourself. Here's the clip from the show.
"I know Judy." Or you can catch the entire show. And I highly recommend you follow and listen to Julia's podcast: The Consult or wherever you get your podcasts.


Minnesota Mystery Night held the third Monday of each month at Axel's in Mendota. Minnesota Mystery Night promises folks live appearances by Minnesota's best crime fiction authors. Call (651)686-4840 for reservations. Seating is limited!!

September 16, 2024 features Mary Logue in conversation with Pete Hautman, with special guest host, Timya Owen.

Come join the fun!! There's nothing better than discussing books with readers and writers. Feeds the soul.
When's my next book coming out? Well…

Word on the street is that Jessie Chandler, author of the fabulous Shay O'Hanlon series, and I are co-authoring a crime fiction novel. It's true! Back in mid-2021 we came across an idea that was too good to pass up and so we've embarked on this co-writing journey.

A bit about the WIP: our book will be crime fiction loosely based on two Minnesota crimes that occurred in the 1970s. We've spent well over a year researching the two crimes and are now in the process of writing our story. This is a first collaboration effort for either of us, but so far so good! Characters are coming alive. Juicy storylines are on the horizon.

Jessie is an amazing writer and friend and we have a blast working together. Our hope is that you all enjoy the final product as much as we're enjoying writing it! Stay tuned, we may share tidbits here and there while we work.

And for all the MC McCall fans out there: Don't fret! I've begun work on MC Book 3 (possible title reveal soon—early 2024). I'll let you all know how working on two different books at the same time is going. Stay tuned.

Upcoming Events/Appearances

June 17, 2024: 7 pm
Minnesota Mystery Night
Axel's Mendota Heights
1318 Sibley Memorial Hwy
Mendota Heights, MN 55150
Join us for what promises to be a witty and entertaining conversation with Jessie Chandler and Judy M. Kerr.

August 10, 2024: 9 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Northwoods Art and Book Festival
Hackensack, MN 56452
Bring the family and make a day of it!! Food trucks. Pie. Artists. Authors. Much fun to be had by all! I'll be selling my books along with about 30 other authors located in the UCC.

October 22-30, 2024
I'll be off to Portland, OR for the annual writing retreat with three other authors.

November 7, 2024: 6-7pm
Author Panel: She's All That and a Detective to Boot
Moderator: Christine Husom
James Bennetts
Julie Holmes
Judy Kerr

Robert Trail Library
Rosemount, MN 55063
Come join us for a lively discussion on our detectives and the stories we write!


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